quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

Álgebra Comutativa

Em contraponto ao restante deste livro, este capıtulo inicial tem um carater, digamos, mais exploratorio:
veremos aneis comutativos em seu formato “bruto”, ainda nao lapidados por uma abordagem teorica
e sistematica, a ser adotada a posteriori. Cabe aqui bem lembrar que Algebra Comutativa nao e uma area isolada do resto da Matematica; muito pelo contrario, e uma disciplina que bebe de diversas fontes, como a Analise, a Teoria dos Numeros, a Geometria e a Topologia, entre outras. Conhecer esta interaçao e importante, nao so para compreender como a Algebra Comutativa se posiciona dentro do Cosmos matematico, mas tambem para entender a motivaçao dos teoremas, metodos e exemplos que formam o tronco desta bela disciplina.

quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra - Edwin H. Connell

This is a foundational textbook on abstract algebra with emphasis on linear algebra. You may download parts of the book or the entire textbook. 


segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Real Mathematical Analysis - Charles Chapman

Was plane geometry your favourite math course in high school? Did you like proving theorems? Are you sick of memorising integrals? If so, real analysis could be your cup of tea. In contrast to calculus and elementary algebra, it involves neither formula manipulation nor applications to other fields of science. None. It is Pure Mathematics, and it is sure to appeal to the budding pure mathematician. In this new introduction to undergraduate real analysis the author takes a different approach from past studies of the subject, by stressing the importance of pictures in mathematics and hard problems. The exposition is informal and relaxed, with many helpful asides, examples and occasional comments from mathematicians like Dieudonne, Littlewood and Osserman. The author has taught the subject many times over the last 35 years at Berkeley and this book is based on the honours version of this course. The book contains an excellent selection of more than 500 exercises.


terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Calculus and Linear Algebra, vol. 2 - Wilfred Kaplan

Calculus and Linear Algebra. Vol. 2: Vector Spaces, Many-Variable Calculus, and Differential Equations.

Differential Geometry, Lie groups, and Symmetric Spaces - Sigurdur Helgason

The study of homogeneous spaces provides excellent insights into both differential geometry and Lie groups. In geometry, for instance, general theorems and properties will also hold for homogeneous spaces, and will usually be easier to understand and to prove in this setting. For Lie groups, a significant amount of analysis either begins with or reduces to analysis on homogeneous spaces, frequently on symmetric spaces. For many years and for many mathematicians, Sigurdur Helgason's classic Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces has been--and continues to be--the standard source for this material. <P>Helgason begins with a concise, self-contained introduction to differential geometry. He then introduces Lie groups and Lie algebras, including important results on their structure. This sets the stage for the introduction and study of symmetric spaces, which form the central part of the book. The text concludes with the classification of symmetric spaces by means of the Killing-Cartan classification of simple Lie algebras over $\mathbf{C}$ and Cartan's classification of simple Lie algebras over $\mathbf{R}$. <P>The excellent exposition is supplemented by extensive collections of useful exercises at the end of each chapter. All the problems have either solutions or substantial hints, found at the back of the book. <P>For this latest edition, Helgason has made corrections and added helpful notes and useful references. The sequels to the present book are published in the AMS's Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Series: Groups and Geometric Analysis, Volume 83, and Geometric Analysis on Symmetric Spaces, Volume 39. <P>Sigurdur Helgason was awarded the Steele Prize for Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces and Groups and Geometric Analysis.

Algebraic Number Theory - J. S. Milne

Contents: Preliminaries From Commutative Algebra; Rings of Integers; Dedekind Domains; Factorization; The Finiteness of the Class Number; The Unit Theorem; Cyclotomic Extensions; Fermat's Last Theorem; Valuations; Local Fields; Global Fields.


Álgebra Moderna - Herstein, I. N.

La presente obra es una introducción a la llamada álgebra abstracta y en ella se exponen y desarrollan algebraicos más importantes, como son los grupos, los anillos, los espacios vectoriales y los campos. En el pasado siglo XX pudo ya hacerse evidente el poder de los modelos abstractos para describir una gran variedad de situaciones en las diversas ciencias, es decir, para describir la realidad. La matemática abstracta ha facilitado encontrar interrelaciones entre áreas en las que nunca se habia pensado antes que hubiera alguna conexión. El álgebra que ha surgido como resultado de todo esto es actualmente una de las áreas más importantes de la investigación en matemáticas, pues es un hilo unificador que entrelaza a casi toda esta ciecia: la geometría, la teoría de números, el análisis y la topología, incluso la matemática aplicada. En la mayor parte de los capítulos el autor hace ver el significado de los resultados generales mediante su aplicación a problemas particulares. La obra contiene una gran cantidad de problemas y no se espera de un alumno que los resulva todos en un curso normal; varios de ellos se incluyen como introducción a otros temas o para que el estudiante desarrolle nuevas ideas al intentar solucionarlos. Contenido: Nociones preliminares. Teoría de grupos. Teoría de anillos. Espacios vectoriales y módulos. Campos. Transformaciones lineales. Tópicos selectos. Índice analítico.